Gadgets and More
Gadgets and More

What is this blog all about

The Why page talks about what this Website is all about. The domain name might be, but this site is more than just about gadget’s.

Yes, I got this domain thinking about doing reviews on just gadgets that would be fun. Gadgets are great. However, life is more than gadgets. I asked myself these questions:

  • Some of these gadgets come with apps.
    • What the apps on these gadgets are they useful to you?
      • If yes, then they could be useful to others
      • If no, then why did you get it?
  • Why did you get the gadget in the first place?
    • Most likely it has some feature you liked and that would be a benefit to someone besides you. So share it what you have learned no matter how small of a find it is.


Are a part of life all designed to help us in our lives. The journey begins when I was growing up and how they have changed and how they are continuing to grow.

We don’t know what the future has in store of us. Not sure if Skynet will happen, but we will adapt to it and we will embrace the new gadgets or stay behind and stay in the past.

Walk Thru

Over the next while I will touch on the gadgets from each decade and or year. There will be some gadgets I will touch on more in depth.

I will help guide you thru what I like. Hopefully, you will like what you see and when I get my stuff worked out you will be able to purchase from my affiliate links and help the website grow.



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