I was looking for something to help organize bills and mail. I hated the cluster all over my desk. What I got In theory, it isn’t a desk file organizer, but that is what it is called. It hangs on my wall, and it holds papers and mail. /image It […]
I have always wanted to get a label maker. I know nerd alert!! Past We have gotten some in the past, but they just weren’t what I was looking for. I mean, they did the job of what it was designed to do. That was making labels. But, it was […]
I decided that for my office to be a bit nicer and neater, I needed to get something else to store stuff in. Wanted I wanted something like this However, my wife found these on Amazon, and I picked up a couple of these Needed more I might have too […]
In 2003, Microsoft threw their hat into the digital note-taking field. Sure why would they want to be left out of the fun, right? What is this Well this is part of the Microsoft Office suite, wait, wait before you leave. It is also a FREE standalone app. You can […]