I have had an office since moving into my new house a few years ago. I do not sit in the kitchen, living room, family room, or a corner of my wife’s hobby room. But no more. My Office Finally, I have an office that I can call my own […]
Cutting bagels should be pretty straightforward, right? Well, it just got easier. Slicing To slice a bagel, you take something like this And cut it in h lf, right? It should be simple: I always do it for my wife. But sometimes the knife is left somewhere, like an Airbnb, […]
You are at home and doing your routine: brushing your teeth, flossing them, or using the water pick on them. But when you travel, you would like to take that water pick with you. How to pack it? Water Pick I have something like this. You use it constantly, but […]
You have a desk, but there isn’t enough room to have everything that one person would like to have on their desk. Desk Most people like to have a clutter-free desk and a place to have all of their stuff. Some people don’t care, and their desk is a mess. […]
I have been thinking about good ways to increase my listening ability onboard planes and, you know, in life in general. Typically Use While on a plane, if I watch the entertainment screen, I use these. These have become a pain since I am always in the middle because my […]
I was looking for something to help organize bills and mail. I hated the cluster all over my desk. What I got In theory, it isn’t a desk file organizer, but that is what it is called. It hangs on my wall, and it holds papers and mail. /image It […]
I have always wanted to get a label maker. I know nerd alert!! Past We have gotten some in the past, but they just weren’t what I was looking for. I mean, they did the job of what it was designed to do. That was making labels. But, it was […]
My MacBook doesn’t have any SD Cards slots. So how do I move the items of the Micro SD cards that I use in my Osmo Action and Pocket? What does one do? Picked up I picked up the following to help move the files from my cameras. That has […]
Back in 2018, when I wanted to kick up my video recording to a new level. I picked me up something I thought would help me. What did I pick up On Aug. 27, 2018, I was at Best Buy picking up some stuff for my son. I decided to […]
II had a plan in my head and I put that plan into effect and well it got messed up. Hangs my head in shame. The plan I was thinking ahead in the new house and got several plugs in the eves and on the house on a switch. You […]
Now that I have the Osmo Pocket I need to get some stuff for it to make it a better camera. So what did I do? I got a crap (a lot) of stuff. Pocket This camera is a good small one, but out of the box, you are missing […]
What is the up with all the paper that we use? I mean there are paper bills, paper notebooks, and such things. What are your thoughts about going paperless? Started to think In the age of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and good audio recording devices. Why do we have so much […]
One of my biggest fears is leaving the garage door open. This happened one time and it wasn’t that fun. Let me get into this. Garage door Yes, we left the garage door open one time, most likely it was being shut and some stupid cat ran in and the […]
What does a shark have to do with anything? I mean I have eaten sharks before, and it is OK. But what does a shark have to do with tech? Smart House What does a shark have to do with a smart house? Is it like Jaws? Well, no it […]
Digital assistants have come a long way in my lifetime. You can now actually talk to one and get responses back. What do I mean? Alexa Is developed by Amazon and it is a virtual assistant which gives you access to a lot of information at your voice commands. Yes, […]