So I thought I about this after I posted the post about phones, I touched a little bit about landline phones. But what really is a landline phone and what does it have to do with gadgeting. Well, it has a lot to do with gadgeting as it inspires people […]
Jumping back in time a little bit. But, we had these things called landline telephones. Yes, some people still have them today. But, growing up they were a lot different than they are now They were a nice gadget to have. I am not going into a long detail of […]
I am going back to old school gadgets, the type of gadgets you had to have to listen to the music besides the radio. You know that thing in the car, on the wall, the clock radio. Yes, those existed. I had one growing up and I just got rid […]
The Why page talks about what this Website is all about. The domain name might be, but this site is more than just about gadget’s. Yes, I got this domain thinking about doing reviews on just gadgets that would be fun. Gadgets are great. However, life is more than […]