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Portable Lights

When doing your vlogging, YouTube videos, or whatever you are doing. You will need a light.

Been looking

I have been looking for good light to lighten up my face. Like people need to see it better. So I started with the basic ones that are portable. That way I could put it in my bag and it can travel. I found these two smaller lights.

Ulanzi W49 pocket LED

I picked up this mic on Amazon in March of 2020 for $15.95. I used this all the time with my Osmo Pocket, which I will talk about later. When I was doing some fun videos this would lighten up my face.

It does run on 2 double-A batteries, which if it dies and you don’t have any double A’s well then you are most likely doing going to have a light.

VIJM RGB video light

This came with one of my tripods. When I brought the tripod it came with a free light. You can charge this light via USB c and it has different brightness settings as well as color settings.

The only problem I had with this is that my suction mount gave up and this fell and broke. I fixed this

But it is a little crocked. It is a good light to have.

Bigger lights

I would love to get some bigger lights but those will be in the office use only. Portable lights are good to have for doing vlogging. But bigger lights would be nice to have. But, something to go on top of the camera would be nice. 

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