Gadgets and More
Gadgets and More


Let’s say you want to watch the following channels, life, DIY, CMT, TLC, and Hallmark you don’t want to pay a fee for each of them. What do you do? Good question. Well, I have an app for you. It is called Philo.

What is it

Well it is a collection of 61 channels, yes you have heard that right 61. Here is the line up:

Yep all of those channels are there. This makes it great for my wife. I will explain later.

The App

This is what the app will look like on an iOS device.

Once you open this app up you are presented with

You have to sign into, and yes it is $20 a month. After you sign in this is what you get:

Then you get this

Along the bottom you will see the following:

  • Home
  • Live
  • Saved
  • Search
  • Settings

That up there ^^ is the home, this is the live option

The saved feature is just the stuff you have saved. Then the search option, and then the settings. Since I am logged in I am not going to show you that But I will tell you it has a spot for a picture.

My opinion

Of course, I was going to throw my opinion in here. So, this is what I think of this app. I don’t use it, however, my wife uses this, and let me tell you it is well worth the $20 a month. If that means I can get rid of Directv and that huge bill. I am all over it. I might watch a few channels like The History Channel or TV Land. Yea, that is a great channel. So if you want to get rid of that costly cable bill and still watch some channels. Then go for it.

I don’t get a commission for suggesting using this. I wish I did. But, I don’t

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