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Gadgets and More


It was the year 2000 and something and most of you haven’t heard of the KSL TV app. Well, I have since it is a local TV station where I live.  I thought it was worthy to be reviewed. So here is my review of it.

KSL TV app

Here is what it looks like

This app doesn’t have all the bell and whistles that other apps have, but do you need all that stuff.

What can it do

Well once you download the app from the app store (which ever one you use) and you lunch it you get the following

On the bottom of the page with some lines and it says menu you click on that you will see this

Towards the bottom you will see this the login and sign up options, If you select Login you will see this

If you select sign up you will see

Yes they appear they are the same photo but they aren’t the same I promise. They do look the same.

The shows aren’t main stream or anything but they are of local interest.

My opinion

Since this is my Gadget Guy blog, I do have my opinions. Yes I this doesn’t have all the bells and whistles but do you really need them.  It has what I need. I like it. They even had a YouTube video and that is below.

YouTube video

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