The year is 2022, and Christmas is once again upon us.
Means different things to everyone in the world.
- Some don’t believe in Santa
- Some don’t celebrate it at all
But what the world views Christmas as is a Santa Claus bringing joy to the world. But it is more than that. It is a day to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
Is a focal point in the Christian faith. Christ was born in a manager some 2022 years ago. You can find the story in the New Testament.
Mary and Joesph arrived in Bethlehem to pay taxes and there was no room at the inn, so they stayed in a stable, where Christ was born. His birth wasn’t celebrated. It was just a quiet place. The angles told the Shepards of his birth.

No Matter
What you believe in or not. If you believe in Christ then that adds extra meaning to the day. If you are a non-Christian you can celebrate it publicly as Santa. No matter what you believe all we have to do is try and bring joy to the world, by starting to bring joy to the people around us.
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