Have a website; you need web hosting to have people view it. Let’s talk about my web hosting. Past I started out hosting a web site on Tripod, I know an odd name. Let’s break down the other web hosting. EasyWP Why did I move travelingwithjustin.com over to EasyWP? Well, […]
Year 2024
I decided that for my office to be a bit nicer and neater, I needed to get something else to store stuff in. Wanted I wanted something like this However, my wife found these on Amazon, and I picked up a couple of these Needed more I might have too […]
Filming Sometimes, I film at home, like my cooking with Justin videos on the Just Justin YouTube page or my traveling videos for Traveling with Justin. I am in the middle of filming, and the camera dies. It is like, is this happening to me? I am pulling my hair […]
Since that happened, making us all work from home back in 2020, I moved to a new house and had my very own office, where I didn’t need to share the kitchen with people while working. Docking station My docking station was on my desk before the big move to […]
To protect the SSD WD 2 TB hard drive even further, I picked up the shockproof carrying case to protect the drive. Case To protect the drive I talked about last week. I picked up the following It is a lovely, slightly minor case for the drive. It is padded, […]
With all the vlogging I do while traveling and on my old MacBook Pro, I only had 256GB of space. But do I need one of these drives with my new M3 MacBook Pro with 1TB of space? Space I needed space, so I got a hard drive for video […]
Getting rid of my Windows keyboard opened up some other issues for me. Going from a giant keyboard to a slightly smaller one left some issues that could be costly to my desire to write. Keyboard The keyboard is smaller and not raised like the Windows one. The thought of […]
Why am I talking about a MacBook Pro again? I mean, how many times can I talk about a MacBook Pro? Well, I guess a lot. MacBook Pro I talked about my MacBook Pro here in this post. https://www.iamgadgetguy.com/macbook-pro/ But the time has come to say goodbye to that one. […]
My wife needs a new plug for all of her work stuff. What did we get for her? Well, let’s continue. Old One This is what she had before but in white. Not sure where that one is at. We call it the octopus, well, for obvious reasons. But it […]
Now that I have a new camera, it comes with three batteries. This adventure creator combo is excellent. Batteries With my Osmo Action One, I have six batteries. That way, I would never run out of power. DJI provided a battery case for the three batteries I got. Case The […]
The Osmo Action 4 came with a case or bracket, but I didn’t like it, so I had to pick up something to help keep the camera safe. Case it Came With The one that came with the Adventure Creator combo This one has the following: And the things it […]
I decided to pick up a new camera to help with my YouTube videos. I needed something that could make audio easier. I found what I was looking for. Action 4 I have had my eye on this since it came out. However, I couldn’t afford the price tag. But […]
I am always trying to find ways to help myself better with tech things. So what did I pick up? Picked up I picked up a Micro HDMI to HDMI adapter. What did I need this for? Need it I thought that since I have a monitor, I could hook […]
If your wife wants to work while on vacation. You need to figure something out. Work While on my 16-day cruise from San Francisco to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, via the Panama Canal, my wife thought it would be an excellent time to work. So, I had to figure out something […]