I’m not sure when we picked up the floating shelves. It has been a while. But let’s talk about them. Floating Shelves I found these in a tote, so they might have been when we lived at the other house—but I’m not sure. I thought I would add them to […]
2025 Office Stuff
I have a ton of hats, I mean a ton of them. I have been collecting them for a long time. My dad would always get hats, and I would take them. Hats I have a tote full of them, but they are downstairs. I do have some hats that […]
My wife has been looking for something to light up some of the pictures in the great home. I found these, which would also light up my picture in my office. Picked Up We picked up the following: These come with the following They mount wherever you want them—well, OK, […]
Another thing I wanted in my office was a light strip. Some people think these are stupider than stupid, but I like them. What kind did I get? Picked up I picked up some Kasa LED light strips. Why this one? I thought about putting these outside as accent lighting […]
These lights went somewhere else in the house. They didn’t do what my wife wanted the lights to do. So they became mine. Picked Up Here is what we picked up I thought they would do what my wife wanted them to do. But I don’t think she knows what […]
These lights were for somewhere else in the house, but someone didn’t like them. So I could use them in my office. Picked up Here are the lights that were picked up. I got these off of Amazon in all places. I thought these would be a nice addition to […]
I have had an office since moving into my new house a few years ago. I do not sit in the kitchen, living room, family room, or a corner of my wife’s hobby room. But no more. My Office Finally, I have an office that I can call my own […]