Have a website; you need web hosting to have people view it. Let’s talk about my web hosting. Past I started out hosting a web site on Tripod, I know an odd name. Let’s break down the other web hosting. EasyWP Why did I move travelingwithjustin.com over to EasyWP? Well, […]
Why am I talking about a MacBook Pro again? I mean, how many times can I talk about a MacBook Pro? Well, I guess a lot. MacBook Pro I talked about my MacBook Pro here in this post. https://www.iamgadgetguy.com/macbook-pro/ But the time has come to say goodbye to that one. […]
What does knowing people have to do with gadgets and why am I talking about networking? Not that type No, I am not talking about that type of networking even if that is helpful. You, know getting to know people will help promote your business, your site, to get a […]
What type of computer do you use for your blogging or editing videos. Well, there are some choices out there. I went from Windows to MacBook MacBook Pro 13″ I picked this up at Best Buy. I had a MacBook Air but it wasn’t that powerful for me. I went […]
Boy or boy since I left my web host and went to a new one I have had many many issues. Which has prevented me from updating the website like I wanted to? What has been going on So I moved to a new WebHost and soon after I started […]
38 years ago IBM came out with the IBM 5150 and it was not what we are used. IBM 5100 The CPU was from Intel, which is the leader in the CPU chips and the operating system was from Microsoft. Microsoft licensed it to IBM as PC-DOS. They sold for […]
So in 1977, the Tandy Corporation came out with the Home Computer. It was released on August 3, 1977. That was 42 years ago if anyone is counting. By the time 1979, came around they had sold 100,000 units. Tandy Corporation We won’t get into much here, but they Tandy […]
Computers didn’t come from space, did they? Come from the future? No, of course, they didn’t. So where did they come from? In 1974, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry systems invented something called a microcomputer called the Altair 8800. Became so popular that it was published on the cover of Popular […]