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Cannon Dummy Battery


Sometimes, I film at home, like my cooking with Justin videos on the Just Justin YouTube page or my traveling videos for Traveling with Justin. I am in the middle of filming, and the camera dies. It is like, is this happening to me? I am pulling my hair out. What can I do about this issue?

Well, Amazon to the rescue.

Dummy Battery

I found this dummy battery that slides into the battery compartment. You plug it in, and BAM!! You have power to your camera and don’t have to worry about the battery running out during filming.

Now, it does come with a power supply. It is nice to have to help with filming when using the Canon camera.

I film a lot of my cannon at home because it is a good camera, and it is always nice to have constant power so I don’t have to worry about it not working.

This has come in handy, and I would say pick up a dummy battery if you need one for your big camera.


Like I said before, this is an excellent option at home. Remember that it is plugged in, and be careful when moving the camera to a different location. Unplug it first if you would like to avoid some swearing.

However, if the power goes out, it will not work unless you have a generator working. Overall, it is an adorable thing to have and use.

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