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Bluetooth Audio Adapter

I have been thinking about good ways to increase my listening ability onboard planes and, you know, in life in general.

Typically Use

While on a plane, if I watch the entertainment screen, I use these.

These have become a pain since I am always in the middle because my wife wants to go to the aisle or get a window seat. I am stuck in the middle. So when I plug them in and listen, I have to unplug them when someone wants to get by.

What an immense pain in the butt.

Found this

I found this on, of course, Amazon.

So, this is a Bluetooth audio adapter. Yes, you heard that right: a Bluetooth audio adapter. You can plug this into the speaker/headset port, turn it on, and connect your headphones. Now I have some old-school Apple AirPods


Now I could connect my headphones to it and listen to James Bond and Goldfinger on the way back from Seattle, Washington.

I liked that option. So I didn’t have a cord from my ears to the seat. I like this option.


I like this option, and it can be a pain in the butt to connect certain things. I tried to connect some hearing aids to it, but it wouldn’t connect them. However, it was trying to connect to my TV. I know, odd.

It is a bit bigger and won’t fit in this


But that is just my problem. I just like to simplify things so it is easier for me and the passengers around me.

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