In the place I call my own, I have a Cairo Cabinet and a Painting. Why are you talking about this Gadget Guy? This is something you might be thinking. Well, let me explain. Cairo Cabinet We will start with this item. My grandma Jenkins had this in her house. […]
My office holds the printer and scanner. Yep, that is part of any office. Let’s talk about it. Printer In the old house, my wife had the printer in her office because she used it more. She also had a room, and I had the kitchen. The printer is an […]
I have some old videos I did on some tech for this blog. I was nervous about putting them on YouTube, so I made them available on Vimeo. YouTube I started a YouTube channel for my Tech reviews and tech chatter. I thought I would start with the old videos. […]
I wanted to get something that could help me film on my desk for over-the-head shots and videos in general. I found something useful. Picked Up I picked up this bad boy Now, I had thought about putting it here However, my monitor is in the way. I know it’s […]
I’m not sure when we picked up the floating shelves. It has been a while. But let’s talk about them. Floating Shelves I found these in a tote, so they might have been when we lived at the other house—but I’m not sure. I thought I would add them to […]
I have a ton of hats, I mean a ton of them. I have been collecting them for a long time. My dad would always get hats, and I would take them. Hats I have a tote full of them, but they are downstairs. I do have some hats that […]
My wife has been looking for something to light up some of the pictures in the great home. I found these, which would also light up my picture in my office. Picked Up We picked up the following: These come with the following They mount wherever you want them—well, OK, […]
Another thing I wanted in my office was a light strip. Some people think these are stupider than stupid, but I like them. What kind did I get? Picked up I picked up some Kasa LED light strips. Why this one? I thought about putting these outside as accent lighting […]
These lights went somewhere else in the house. They didn’t do what my wife wanted the lights to do. So they became mine. Picked Up Here is what we picked up I thought they would do what my wife wanted them to do. But I don’t think she knows what […]
These lights were for somewhere else in the house, but someone didn’t like them. So I could use them in my office. Picked up Here are the lights that were picked up. I got these off of Amazon in all places. I thought these would be a nice addition to […]
I have had an office since moving into my new house a few years ago. I do not sit in the kitchen, living room, family room, or a corner of my wife’s hobby room. But no more. My Office Finally, I have an office that I can call my own […]
Cutting bagels should be pretty straightforward, right? Well, it just got easier. Slicing To slice a bagel, you take something like this And cut it in h lf, right? It should be simple: I always do it for my wife. But sometimes the knife is left somewhere, like an Airbnb, […]
You are at home and doing your routine: brushing your teeth, flossing them, or using the water pick on them. But when you travel, you would like to take that water pick with you. How to pack it? Water Pick I have something like this. You use it constantly, but […]
You have a desk, but there isn’t enough room to have everything that one person would like to have on their desk. Desk Most people like to have a clutter-free desk and a place to have all of their stuff. Some people don’t care, and their desk is a mess. […]
The New Year is upon us, which means a different year and more tech. Agenda for 2025 For 2025, will be doing the following: That is the plan for 2025. Stick around and join the family. Click on the subscribe button and join the newsletter.
Have a website; you need web hosting to have people view it. Let’s talk about my web hosting. Past I started out hosting a web site on Tripod, I know an odd name. Let’s break down the other web hosting. EasyWP Why did I move over to EasyWP? Well, […]
I have been thinking about good ways to increase my listening ability onboard planes and, you know, in life in general. Typically Use While on a plane, if I watch the entertainment screen, I use these. These have become a pain since I am always in the middle because my […]
As I look outside, I see it isn’t snowing but raining, especially at this time of year. I wonder what December 25, 2024, means to the world. Christmas Today is the December 25, 2004, and that marks Christmas. Those who celebrate Christmas know its meaning—the birth of Christ in a […]
I am always looking for things to help me with my vlogging lifestyle. You know, to carry all my tech around. Sling I have the following sling It is a nice one, and I thought it would be a good fit for my vlogging needs. I mean, it would hold […]
I was looking for something to help organize bills and mail. I hated the cluster all over my desk. What I got In theory, it isn’t a desk file organizer, but that is what it is called. It hangs on my wall, and it holds papers and mail. /image It […]
As Thanksgiving comes around this year it is a bit different. Thankful I am thankful for the following: We want to This holiday season, we here at I am Gadget Guy, we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving, and be thankful for all you have.
I got a new Lavier Mic for my vlogging stuff. Why? Well I was using this one For awhile, then one day it stopped working. I was like what the heck is going on. Why isn’t it working? I didn’t want to use my small shotgun mic all the time. […]
I have always wanted to get a label maker. I know nerd alert!! Past We have gotten some in the past, but they just weren’t what I was looking for. I mean, they did the job of what it was designed to do. That was making labels. But, it was […]
I decided that for my office to be a bit nicer and neater, I needed to get something else to store stuff in. Wanted I wanted something like this However, my wife found these on Amazon, and I picked up a couple of these Needed more I might have too […]
What is an Undetectable Mouse mover? Why do I have one? Well Sometimes, in life, you have to keep your mouse going. For whatever reason, you need it moving. I have seen videos of people working from home, but the mouse is on a moving robot vacuum to show that […]
Filming Sometimes, I film at home, like my cooking with Justin videos on the Just Justin YouTube page or my traveling videos for Traveling with Justin. I am in the middle of filming, and the camera dies. It is like, is this happening to me? I am pulling my hair […]
I have had some different wallets, but I am still looking for one I will keep for the rest of my life. Have I found it with this MagSafe wallet? Wallets I had one for everyday use I had one for travel I moved to the travel wallet full-time, but […]
Since that happened, making us all work from home back in 2020, I moved to a new house and had my very own office, where I didn’t need to share the kitchen with people while working. Docking station My docking station was on my desk before the big move to […]
I have a lot of hard drives. I use them in my life. I had one attached to my laptop, and I had a lot of media on it to listen to while I worked. But it had some issues, so I thought I would get a new one. What […]
To protect the SSD WD 2 TB hard drive even further, I picked up the shockproof carrying case to protect the drive. Case To protect the drive I talked about last week. I picked up the following It is a lovely, slightly minor case for the drive. It is padded, […]
With all the vlogging I do while traveling and on my old MacBook Pro, I only had 256GB of space. But do I need one of these drives with my new M3 MacBook Pro with 1TB of space? Space I needed space, so I got a hard drive for video […]
Getting rid of my Windows keyboard opened up some other issues for me. Going from a giant keyboard to a slightly smaller one left some issues that could be costly to my desire to write. Keyboard The keyboard is smaller and not raised like the Windows one. The thought of […]