Have a website; you need web hosting to have people view it. Let’s talk about my web hosting. Past I started out hosting a web site on Tripod, I know an odd name. Let’s break down the other web hosting. EasyWP Why did I move travelingwithjustin.com over to EasyWP? Well, […]
Monthly Archives: December 2024
I have been thinking about good ways to increase my listening ability onboard planes and, you know, in life in general. Typically Use While on a plane, if I watch the entertainment screen, I use these. These have become a pain since I am always in the middle because my […]
As I look outside, I see it isn’t snowing but raining, especially at this time of year. I wonder what December 25, 2024, means to the world. Christmas Today is the December 25, 2004, and that marks Christmas. Those who celebrate Christmas know its meaning—the birth of Christ in a […]
I am always looking for things to help me with my vlogging lifestyle. You know, to carry all my tech around. Sling I have the following sling It is a nice one, and I thought it would be a good fit for my vlogging needs. I mean, it would hold […]
I was looking for something to help organize bills and mail. I hated the cluster all over my desk. What I got In theory, it isn’t a desk file organizer, but that is what it is called. It hangs on my wall, and it holds papers and mail. /image It […]