This year on has been sporadic at best. 2021 Out with a few posts, and then I came back in May and then came back in force in Aug and remained consistent in posting content. Now I am finishing out 2021 with hardly posing in December. What happened Is […]
Yearly Archives: 2021
What does Christmas mean to you? Christmas We have reached December 25, 2021, and that means that Christmas is upon us and we are hopefully spending time with family this year. I know I am. No matter Where you are at in the world, or where you are spending Christmas […]
We have reached Christmas Eve of 2021 and I have to wonder where the year has gone. Day before I know I have thought about this day often and what it means to me. Growing up meant that I would have to be going to bed early so Santa would […]
Now that the month of December is upon us, this means that Christmas will soon be here. Does it matter? Taking time I will be taking the month of December off from Blogging. What do I mean? I am just taking the next few weeks off. It is a busy […]
Over the last few posts we have talked about going paperless and the gadgets I have picked up to help me out. What does this mean? Paperless Does one ever become paperless? There is paper everywhere. I mean there are receipts from stores and stuff like that. If they offer […]
I wasn’t done looking at something that could help me in my quest to go paperless. The search never ends. Found and looking I found a good scanner that I can use while on the go. That was in the previous post check it out. Now, I needed to get […]
This takes place the Monday after Thanksgiving and this is when a lot of money is spent online. Black Friday Before the dot com era and cyber Monday, there was a thing called Black Friday. This was when people went crazy about sales on items for Christmas. There were pushing, […]
It has been another year and Thanksgiving is upon us again. This is the time of year I look forward to. I am not sure if it is the cooler weather, snow, or what. But, I just like this time of year. Growing up Thanksgiving was a great time for […]
I am always looking for something new and that just drives my wife crazy and she says I spend too much money on technology and gadgets. Nope, I don’t spend that much. Doxie Since my quest was to find something that can scan on its own without the need of […]
I was on the lookout for a new scanner for my mobile office so I can scan documents in my quest to become paperless. Epson I was in Best Buy and I saw a scanner I wanted. I was trying to find a picture I took, but that was so […]
I have a scanner on my printer, which is an HP office jet 8600 and my printer at work could scan papers and put these in a PDF file. But, I needed to get something mobile. I thought that would help me out. Paper everywhere You have paper everywhere and […]
What is the up with all the paper that we use? I mean there are paper bills, paper notebooks, and such things. What are your thoughts about going paperless? Started to think In the age of smartphones, laptops, tablets, and good audio recording devices. Why do we have so much […]
But anyway I placed this order on Sept. 10, 2019, for a total of $747.23 and they said that the estimated shipping date was September of 2019. Well, that came and went, then it was changed to Feb of 2020, then March 2020. Then it was delayed due to COVID-19 […]
By reading the title you are like what in the heck is he talking about. A self Flying Photographer, has he hit his head a little too much? I might have but bear with me. Found it Yea I found it but, there is no way in the heck my […]
My desire to have a good drone started with a standard drone to practice with. It didn’t have what I was looking for. So I found something that I might like. Looking I was looking on Amazon, I know not a good site to look at, I spend way too […]
I was walking in Kohls, it was around Christmas time, and I found a drone and my wife just said to buy it. She gave me permission. I got it wrapped up and stuck it under the tree. Wanted one Since they came out I wanted to get one since […]
I had a very active imagination when I was younger. I would write stories about little tiny aircraft that would rise out of the ground in my backyard and fly away on a mission. My aircraft I could control them from my secret bunker (hideout) and they could go invisible […]
On Monday, Oct. 4, 2021, there was an outage on the internet. Did it matter? Let’s find out Outage The following social media websites and apps were down: Facebook Instagram Whatsapp All owned by one company did it really matter. Maybe you got some more work done. Maybe you spent […]
With all the options out there about security cameras. I looked at two of them to get. Arlo and Ring. So which one did I go with? Let continue reading Which one After much looking and researching I decided to go with Ring. Yes, I went with Ring. You might […]
We talked about Arlo in the last post now we are going to talk about Ring. No not that type of Ring. But the ring camera system. What is it This is a security system program and was developed by a caring husband. Well, that is what the commercials say. […]
Security cameras are a must-have nowadays due to scumbags out there. Who would like to take what you worked hard at getting? Just because they want it and just steal from you. Camera I was looking at different types of cameras and I looked at Arlo. They have some pretty […]
Who would have thought that we would need to have security camera’s on our houses? Back Story Growing up we lived in a fairly good neighborhood, well, I thought we did, until one some scum bags kicked in the window to my bedroom and thus breaking into the house. They […]
I have been thinking of getting a Ring doorbell or something like it. There are several options out there. Here are the top smart doorbells out there: Ring Skybell Vivint August Zmodo Vtech Chui Face Arlo There could be more out there Why get one: Here is a list of […]
One of my biggest fears is leaving the garage door open. This happened one time and it wasn’t that fun. Let me get into this. Garage door Yes, we left the garage door open one time, most likely it was being shut and some stupid cat ran in and the […]
What does a shark have to do with anything? I mean I have eaten sharks before, and it is OK. But what does a shark have to do with tech? Smart House What does a shark have to do with a smart house? Is it like Jaws? Well, no it […]
The unofficial end of summer is what labor day is known for. But what is labor day? Well, let’s find out. Labor Day In 1882, the general assembly of the Knights of Labor gathered in New York City. They usually got together around September 5 and thus Labor Day was […]
I was walking through Shopko before it closed down for good. It was the day after Thanksgiving. It wasn’t busy like it was in the years past. Nonetheless, I walked past the optical department towards the electronics department and saw a Robo Buddy. Let’s read about it. What is it […]
Why would I be talking about August? Why am I talking about the month of August? Is it a smart home item? Month of August I guess it is the time kids go back to school so does that make it a smart home item since the kids are getting […]
This really isn’t a smart home item, but it is part of my smart home setup. Why? Let’s talk about it. What type of plug is it This plug has 6 US plugs and 4 USB ports. We had this in the kitchen and we went from a 2 plug […]
Digital assistants have come a long way in my lifetime. You can now actually talk to one and get responses back. What do I mean? Alexa Is developed by Amazon and it is a virtual assistant which gives you access to a lot of information at your voice commands. Yes, […]
Back in the day, I remember dragging a hose around the yard and watering it in the middle of the day. What a pain in the butt. Olden days Ok, so it wasn’t that long ago when I lived with my parents growing up and I remember dragging a hose […]
I am about to venture into some territory that I am not sure of and is this really the right thing to do. Let me explain. Thinking for awhile I have been doing some quarantine videos while I have been working from home. Yea, it was fun to do. Yea, […]