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2010, Instagram

It was the year in the 21st century and in the second decade, Two people created an App for IOS only in October of 2010.  The original thought was a check in-app. But, wait that is what foursquare is used for.


What the heck is this? Well, it was developed in San Francisco as I said before a mobile check in-app. It was thought up by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.  But once they realized that this is what that Foursquare app was all about, they went back to the drawing board. They thought up a photo-sharing app.


They renamed this to the app to Instagram. When it was up and running the first post ever made was my Mike Krieger on July 16, 2010. It was of South Beach Harbor at Pier 38. 

I can’t find this picture, people think the one below is the first, but it isn’t.

Systrom did his post a few hours later and it was of his dog and his girlfriend’s foot.

On Oct. 6, 2010 it was released on the App Store on IOS.


Here is a breakdown of what happen to Instagram 

  • 2011
    • Hashtags were introduced
  • 2012
    • Android app was released
    • Downloaded about 1,000,000 times in a day
  • 2012
    • Facebook stepped in and brought Instagram for a cool 1 Billion in cash and stocks.
    • Facebook plans to keep this as an independent company
  • 2012
    • November, launched a website profiles
  • 2014
    • Update to the Android and Facebook Places
  • 2015
    • Desktop redesign
  • 2016
    • Interface redesign and Windows app released
  • 2018
    • Krieger and Systrom announced they are stepping down. 

I could on and on but I won’t

My Opinion

Well, when I first started Instagram it was a great app I mean you can follow your friends and see what their life is outside of Facebook. It was great, as it sorted the pictures as the last uploaded. You could start at the top and work your way down and see things that went from the present time to the past.

Nowadays it doesn’t do it and it is crap. I could see pictures from now or 2 days ago. I hate it!!

I have two accounts and they both post to Facebook well when I post any way.

One of my accounts is justinljenkins and that goes to my main Facebook, I don’t post that much anymore I need to.

The other account is travelwjustin, part of the It used to post to my travel Facebook page, but nowadays it isn’t. Since I post to Instagram from my blog, I don’t have that option.

From a humble photo-sharing app to a Billion dollar payday it is nice. I like Instagram, I just wish they would get it back to what it was before.


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